Good Supervision Matters Good Supervision Matters

Supervision - An Ancient Practice

You might think professional supervision is a relatively new endeavour. Looking back a thousand years ago there’s evidence that Hildegard of Bingen offered supervision and people came from far and wide to consult with her. 

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Good Supervision Matters Good Supervision Matters

Caring for the Self who supervises

I also know from personal experience of burnout, that attending to the basics of self-care is essential. I know that exercise, diet, sleep, socialising, a good dose of nature, meditation and fun are important. Equally we all know that it isn’t normal to come home from our working day feeling exhausted.

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Good Supervision Matters Good Supervision Matters

Voices in Supervision

Who are the engaging voices in supervision right now and what are their areas of interest? Where do we go to find them? Should we draw exclusively on voices from pastoral supervision or cast our net wider, to expand and deepen the breadth of our understandings of what supervision can be.

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Good Supervision Matters Good Supervision Matters

What makes Supervision Good?

Supervision is really good when the supervisory relationship creates a safe holding space where hidden dynamics in relation to supervisee’s work context come to the surface and can be explored.

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